Gazze İçin İmza

people did not remain silent on these serious human rights violations.

We will not allow genocidal people to dominate the world.

Masum İnsan Hayatını Kaybetti

Çocuk Yaşamını Yitirdi

Hastane Vuruldu

Savaş Suçu İşlendi

Gazze İçin İmza

Why are we running a signature campaign?

Our website was created by Istanbul Bar Association No. 2 to legally fight against the genocide committed by Israel in Gaza, to have those who commit genocide, crimes against humanity, and war crimes tried and punished by international law institutions, and to stop this genocide.

Support this legal struggle and signature campaign carried out for human dignity, innocent children, women, and civilians with a signature!

Sıkça Sorulan Sorular

İmza kampanyamız, hukuki mücadelemiz ve nasıl destek olabileceğiniz hakkında detaylı bilgi almak için aşağıdaki sorular ve yanıtları gözden geçirebilirsiniz.

How will my signature make a difference?

Each signature plays an important role in conveying the urgency of the situation in Gaza to the international community and decision-makers.

What is the purpose of this signature campaign?

Our campaign aims to raise international awareness against human rights violations in Gaza and to support legal efforts.

Who is monitoring the current situation in Gaza? 

The United Nations, international human rights organizations, and independent observers are closely monitoring the situation.

Our Participants and Their Comments